
Tales of Eurisia: Baba Yaga

Created by Abyssoul Fantasy Projects

Resin miniatures and STL that comes with free 5e supplements and free painting tutorials, all in one pack.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Production Update
7 months ago – Tue, Mar 26, 2024 at 09:17:35 AM

Hi everyone!
Long post ahead, sorry :)
Production update!
Well, in the past weeks everything that could went bad....well, went bad ^^
Long story short, there were problems with the shipping service, personal problems, computer problems (well this was only my fault, but I was without a pc for a couple of weeks), and something else too!
This wasn't honestly the best for my anxiety, but well...things are getting better and the personal support that I received by some of you (that actually knew what happened and helped me) was priceless. Thanks especially to Francesco :)
But I am starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel finally :)
Right now I have finished all the new graphics for the different packages, so why don't share them with you?
The new boxes will arrive in the next days and I can't wait to show them to you.
I tried my best in obtaining a new design that at the same time offers a great quality regarding the protection of the item inside BUT also with a wonderful attention to the design.
So at the end I did my best in obtaining something that reminds you of a book...a book full of tales ^^
From now i can finally go 100% with the painting of the pieces and providing all the tutorials as soon as possible.
So, about the other parts of production:
- dices are on point and will arrive for mid april
- the adventures will arrive in the next days (So i can send the STL files)
- resin team has slowed a bit due to health problems but we are on point
- problems with Poste Italiane are solved

So, that's all for now and if you have any question I am happy to reply 

Production Update!
8 months ago – Mon, Mar 04, 2024 at 06:01:57 AM

Good morning everyone!

it's time for a new production update:

- Printing resin copies goes smoothly thanks to the masterful Madness Studio!

- The boxes are in progress and should arrive by the end of the month

- RPG adventures will be completed by about half a month

- The tutorial of the baba bust should be ready soon, the 32 and 75mm will then be worked on

- There will be a 99% delay in the production of the dice for a total of 14 days which will affect the final shipment...

- ... but I thought of a gift for all of you as a reward for being late! - STL files will be released by the end of the month

That's all for now ^^

Late pledge OPEN!
8 months ago – Sun, Feb 18, 2024 at 08:20:56 AM

Hello everyone! 

Most of you should have already received an email from Backerkit regarding the adress request (in case you have lost it, don't worry! Backerkit automatically resend it in the first 30 days!) that allows you to add some tasty addons to your pledge and also the chanche to LATE PLEDGE!

What does it mean?

Did you lost the KS time frame? Well, you still can preorder the items at those fabolous prices (but without the free addons reserved to the backers obviously and your place in the shipping list) 

This will be open just for some weeks, so if you want something it's better to grab it now ^^

Smoke test incoming!
9 months ago – Wed, Jan 31, 2024 at 10:55:08 AM

Hello fellow backers, 

, the work behind the scenes is proceeding smoothly and well!
The time has finally come to request shipping addresses and offer a late pledge with backerkit!

A "smoke test" (i.e. an email test) has currently started for 5% of the project's backers. 

If there are no problems, the public late pledge will then be opened which will also give you the possibility to add items to your pledge.
The shipment will be made via tracked courier with delivery from 3 days (EU zone) to 5-7 days (USA and AU zones respectively).
Thanks for your patience, see you soon!

Buongiorno fellow painters, 
il lavoro dietro le quinte procede senza intoppi e a gonfie vele. 
è finalmente giunto il momento di richiedere gli indirizzi di spedizioni e offrire un late pledge con backerkit!

Attualmente è partito uno "smoke test" (ovvero un test delle email) al 5% dei backers del progetto. 

Se non ci sono intoppi, verrà poi aperto il late pledge pubblico che vi darà anche la possibilità di aggiungere oggetti al vostro pledge. 
La spedizione verrà effettuata con corriere tracciato con consegna dai 3 giorni (eu zona) a 5-7 giorni (rispettivamente Usa e AU zone). 

Grazie della pazienza, a presto!

ProductionUpdate#1 Production is officially started!
9 months ago – Fri, Jan 19, 2024 at 01:06:31 PM

Hi Everyone!

Long time without writing an update, but I think it's proper time to do it. 

Finally we received the funds some days ago (actually Ks take 14 days more or less after the project end) that made possible to start all the work to do. So:

  • Resin casting team is already working on all the baba yaga copies, plus all the stretch goal kits. 
  • Psilocya is already printed for casting purpose, actually the only kit that still need a master print is "Faustus" 
  • Work for the bust tutorial and the 32mm tutorial for Baba Yaga is already started, the 75mm will start soon
  • Work for the rpg material is already started
  • Dice production is started and coudl take a couple of week more
  • There will be a surprise for all of you soon! 


So, that's all for this first production update!
More news in the next update 

All the best, Fausto